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A member registered Feb 02, 2021

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I've never played parappa before this, so I had a really hard time with the first song. but I ended up completing the demo shortly after getting used to the controls. I love this game and can't wait for a full release.

you can change button prompts to keyboard in settings. Although the game is recommended to use a controller

is the collision detection for the third blue orb in shadow siege really inconsistent for anyone else or just me?

windows stops you from running any exe you download from a browser, it doesn't mean the game isn't safe

that guitar riff at the end of Guns may be pretty nice but overall I like Stress more

it doesn't matter anyway, nobody can play it rn

must have put a lot of stress on ng servers considering that it's currently under maintenance.


it didn't used to do that before, also for some reason the game thinks it's outdated when it isn't, giving us this gem: 

she also tends to run at random speeds which makes no sense, sometimes i lose her and other times she chases me down a hall and I lose 5 hp no matter what...

also her breaking the glass windows is useless, crouching over it takes no time at all and she never catches up.

I also experienced her intangibility with corners, which is worse because even if you try to take tight turns around corners to get away she can turn even tighter by phasing through it.

Same issue, half the time I lose health because multiple arrow keys didn't register...